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terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012

[Officer Jenny] Tarroco Quest [Police]

[Officer Jenny] Tarroco Quest [Police]

• Para iniciar a quest diga "Hi, help, yes" à NPC Officer Jenny, que se encontra no Departamento de Polícia de Pallet, e então vá à Tarroco Island, localizada à esquerda de Hamlin e Magma Island (Veja nossa seção Mapa Global).

Departarmento de Polícia

Tarroco Island

• Chegando à Tarroco Island, vá à uma cabana ao Sul da ilha, no térreo onde você encontrará a NPC Officer Jenny, então diga a ela "Hi, help, yes" à NPC Officer Jenny e ela te pedirá para derrotar 30 Grunts Rocket e 5 Rookies Rockets na ilha Ascorbia.
Mas como Jenny é uma mentirosa, você deverá na verdade, derrotar 50 Rocket Grunts e 20 Rocket Rookies.

Player: hi
Officer Jenny: Hello Officer, we are having problem with the Rockets at Ascorbia island, and we could use some help!
Player: help
Officer Jenny: The rockets are giving us much trouble at Ascorbia island! Can you help us defeat some of them?
Player: yes
Officer Jenny: Ok! I need you to defeat 30 Rocket Grunts and 5 Rockets Rookies at Ascorbia island, come back here when you're done with them!

Ascorbia Island

• Após derrotá-los, volte à NPC Officer Jenny em Tarroco e diga "Hi, help, yes, help, yes" e ela te pedirá para derrotar 10 Gangsters Rocke.
Mas como dito antes, ela mentiu novamente... Na verdade você deverá derrotar 15 Gangsters Rocket e 5 Criminals Rocket (Os que por acaso são muito poderosos, sendo necessário um grupo 120+ para derrotá-los).

Player: hi 
Officer Jenny: Hello Officer, we are having problem with the Rockets at Ascorbia island, and we could use some help! 
Player: help 
Officer Jenny: Already? Did you defeat all of them? 
Player: yes
Officer Jenny: Hmmm, you are stronger than I thought! I think you can help us even more! 
Player: help 
Officer Jenny: You defeated those weakestrockets,but the gangsters are giving us much more trouble! Can you help? 
Player: yes 
Officer Jenny: You must defeat 10 Rocket Gangsters! I hope you can do it, otherwise, all our efforts would be in vain!

Ascorbia Island

• Após derrotá-los, volte à NPC Officer Jenny em Tarroco e diga "Hi, help, yes" para receber seus rewards!

Player: hi
Officer Jenny: Hello Officer, we are having problem with the Rockets at Ascorbia island, and we could use some help!
Player: help
Officer Jenny: Did you manage to defeat all those gangsters!?
Player: yes
Officer Jenny: Perfect! Those rockets will think twice before bother us now! Good job officer! Here, this is your reward for helping me!

Tarroco Island

• Reward: 500.000 experience points10.000 dollars. •

segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

[Tracey's] Pinkan Fruit Quest [Police]

[Tracey's] Pinkan Fruit Quest [Police]

• Para iniciar a quest diga "Hi, help, yes" à NPC Officer Jenny, que se encontra no Departamento de Polícia de Pallet, e então vá à Pinkan Island, localizada à esquerda de Shamouti (Veja nossa seção Mapa Global).

Departarmento de Polícia

Pinkan Island

NPC Tracey

• Chegando à Pinkan Island, vá ao Centro Pokémon e diga "Hi, help, yes" ao NPC Tracey e ele te pedirá para colher 200 frutas rosas (Pinkan Fruits). Você receberá então um Unique Item para colhê-las.
Este item deverá ser usado nas árvores para colher as frutas rosas (Pinkan Fruits).
Obs: O NPC pediu 200 frutas rosas (Pinkan Fruits), porém quando comecei a colher foram necessárias apenas 150.

Player: hi
Tracey: Hi! I'm helping the police in protecting the pink pokemon! We could use your help as well!
Player: help
Tracey: Those pink fruits in the trees only grow in this island! They turn pokemon color into pink, thats why the rockets are after them! We need as much as we can get to protectthem at our storage, can you help?
Player: yes
Tracey: Glad to hear it! Here, use this bag to get 200 pink fruits and bring it to me. Watch out for the rockets out there! Good luck!

• Após coletar todas, volte ao NPC Tracey e diga "Hi, help, yes, help, yes" e você receberá outro Unique Item, este para libertar pokémons presos. Então a próxima tarefa que você deve realizar é libertar 100 os pokémons rosas presos na ilha.
 Eles são presos por Players da equipe rockets (É uma parte da quest deles), e então após eles serem presos você deve esperar 2 minutos e usar o item no pokémon preso para libertá-lo. O nome do pokémon fica assim:
Ex: "Caged Pidgey", "Caged Butterfree", etc...
Obs: O NPC pede para que você liberte 100 pokémons, porém quando comecei a libertar foram necessárias apenas 80.

Player: hi
Tracey: Hi! I'm helping the police in protecting the pink pokemon! We could use your help as well!
Player: help
Tracey: Did you get all those pink fruits?
Player: yes
Tracey: Good job! I must confess I thought you wouldn't get so many fruits! But there is still something we must help with.
Player: help
Tracey: There is one last thing I need help with. When a pokemon eat a pink fruit, it only have a pink color for some minutes, but those pink pokemon out there grown up eating thepink fruit, now they will be forever in a pink color! Can you help?
Player: yes
Tracey: The rockets are caging all the pokemon! We can't let them steal the pokemon! Here, I build this key to unlock any cage they use! Free 100 pink pokemon to ruin the rocketsplans! Be careful out there.

• Após libertar todos os 100 (ou 80) pokémons, retorne ao NPC Tracey e diga "Hi, help, yes" e você receberá seus rewards!

NPC Tracey

Player: hi
Tracey: Hi! I'm helping the police in protecting the pink pokemon! We could use your help as well!
Player: help
Tracey: Did you free those 100 pink pokemon?
Player: yes
Tracey: Excelent! Take this reward for all your trouble. I wont forget what you did here for the pokemon!

• Reward: 300.000 experience points, 10.000 dollars e 1 Pinkan Fruit (Price: 50.000).

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Pokémons que recebem a Pinkan Fruit

Pokémons que recebem a Pinkan Fruit

A Pinkan Fruit é um addon que pode ser adquirido por meio de uma Quest ou comprando de outros jogadores, esse item torna o seu pokémon rosa, porém há somente alguns pokémons que aceitam esse addon. Abaixo demonstramos quais são eles:
















Retirado do Site: http://www.blogpxg.com/outros/pokemons-que-recebem-a-pinkan-fruit/

Ataques bloqueados para o Smeargle

Ataques bloqueados para o Smeargle

Como foi pedido por vários jogadores, seja no forum ou diretamente para nós, conseguimos disponibilizar a lista dos ataques que o Smeargle não pode copiar. Lembre-se que essa lista sempre estará sujeita a atualização.
Absolute ZeroHexRestore
Acid ArmorHidden PowerRock n'Roll
Air VortexHunter MarkRollout
Aqua RingHyper VoiceSandstorm
Bamboo SpikesIce BallSelfdestruction
Baton PassImpaleShadow Sneak
BindIngrainShadow Storm
Blue FlamesInstant TeleportationShadow Tag
Bulk UpIntimidateSheel Cold
Bullet PunchIon DelugeShield
Cannon BallIron DefenseSing
Confuse RayKinesisSlack Off
Croak HookLickSleep Plague
Crush ClawLight ScreenSpikes
CurseLovely KissSpit Up
Destiny BondMagic CoatSquishy Licking
DigMeditateStealth Rock
Dimensional WallMetal ClawStockpile
Dizzy PunchMetal SoundString Shot
Dragon BreathMeteor MashSubstitute
Dragon FlightMetronomeSunny Day
Drain PunchMilk DrinkSuper Sonic
DynamicPunchMimicSwamp Mist
ElectrowebMinimizeSweet Kiss
Elemental HandsMoonblastTail Whip
Faint AttackMud ShotTaunt
Flash KickMud SlapTeam Claw
FlashNuzzleTeam Slice
Frenzy PlantPoison GasThunder Wave
Future SightPower WaveTongue Grap
Giant Water GunPower WhipTriple Kick Lee
Grassy TerrainProtectVolcano Shot
Great LovePsy ImpactVolt Kiten
HailPsyusionWhite Smoke
Hand Water GunPursuitWish
Heal BellRaigohWithdraw
HealareaRain DanceWrap
Healing WishRecover 

O Smeargle não copia ataques passivos e nem ataques de pokémons Shinies. Também há alguns pokémons dos quais o Smeargle não pode copiar ataques. 
MoltresElite Farfetch'DShiny Meganium
ArticunoShiny FearowShiny Feraligatr
ZapdosShiny FlareonShiny Machamp
EnteiShiny GengarShiny Ampharos
RaikouShiny GolemShiny Pinsir
SuicuneShiny GyaradosShiny Xatu
MewElite HitmonchanShiny Larvitar
MewtwoElite HitmonleeShiny Pupitar
CelebiElite HitmontopShiny Snorlax
Ho-oHShiny HypnoDunsparce
LugiaShiny JynxSlowbro
DittoShiny MukDusknoir
Unown legionShiny MarowakElectivire
UnownAShiny NidokingMagmortar
UnownBShiny PidgeotSlaking
UnownCShiny JolteonMilotic
UnownDShiny ScytherMetagross
UnownEShiny TangelaLucario
UnownFShiny TentacruelTangrowth
UnownGShiny VaporeonRhyperior
UnownHShiny VenomothInternape
UnownIShiny VileplumeGallade
UnownJJessie and JamesEmpoleon
UnownNWobbuffetShiny Magcargo
UnownOShiny StantlerShiny Lanturn
UnownPShiny NinetalesMagnezone
UnownQShiny DodrioKecleon
UnownRShiny AriadosTogekiss
UnownSShiny EspeonMega Charizard X
UnownTShiny MagnetonMega Charizard Y
UnownUShiny UmbreonMega Blaziken
UnownVShiny RhydonMega Ampharos
UnownWShiny PolitoedMega Lucario
UnownXShiny Mr.MimeMega Mawile
UnownYShiny MagmarMega Aggron
UnownZShiny CrobatMega Venusaur
Shiny VenusaurSnowman BuilderMega Blastoise
Shiny CharizardSnowman Builder2Mega Gengar
Shiny BlastoiseShiny ButterfreeMega Alakazam
Shiny RaichuShiny MagikarpMega Tyranitar
Shiny AlakazamShiny Giant Magikarp 
Dark AbraShiny Beedrill 
Crystal OnixShiny Seadra 
Shiny DragonairShiny Prasect 
Shiny ElectabuzzShiny Tauros 
Shiny ElectrodeShiny Typhlosion 

Retirado do Site: http://www.blogpxg.com/outros/ataques-bloqueados-para-o-smeargle/